Supply of all piping items and precision tools
Specialized supply of piping items such as valves, pipes and instruments in different classes and standards

Specialized repairs of all types of industrial valves
One of the main activities of this company includes restoration services on all types of industrial valves, including ball valves, plug valves, safety valves, control valves, well valves, and gate valves. Gate, globe valve, check valve, butterfly valve, etc. are based on international valve repair and manufacturing standards.
Hydrostatic testing and calibration of valves
In order to assure customers and respected inspectors of the quality of valves and equipment that are purchased from domestic and foreign markets, this company has performed hydrostatic testing services based on international standards and in the presence of respected inspectors and issued approved certificates for the above valves. This company has suitable facilities for hydrostatic testing from 150 to 2500 pressure class and from half inch to 48 inch size for all kinds of industrial valves. Also, the calibration of control valves and the adjustment of Valve Safety are part of the services of Tadbir Faraiand Gharb Rastak.

Making spare parts
Making the main parts of the valve such as stem, member closure, such as hub (up to 36 inches), plug, disc, etc., seat back, gland, or spare parts of valves such as packing, O-rings, etc. Injection grease is one of the services of this company. For designing,things such as material, tolerance, surface smoothness, physical and mechanical properties and the requirements of manufacturing or repair standards are important.
Installing accessories and modifying the structure of valves: For this, you can install gearboxes, types of actuators and their settings, shorten or lengthen the extension stem, ballast sand and apply paint, fix casting defects, perform non-destructive tests (NDT). ) including radiography (RT), penetrant test (PT), magnetic particles (MT), ultrasonic (UT), analysis by PMI method, hardness measurement, etc., replacement of O-rings, sealing packings and gaskets, replacement of trim valve, repair of connection end, injection of lubricating greases And named the sealer.
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